The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Talked to the Dr about "Plans"

So after talking to the Dr the biggest risk to the baby at this point of the game is a cord accident- i told him about a pretty big decel i saw on the strip a couple nights ago, he said that is the babies weight on the cord... praying Sam keeps off his cord!

I have an u/s tomorrow, he is gonna try to be there, but it just may be a hospital tech, so I might not get any info till later, but told me not to be disappointed if we don't see any further improvement in fluid of cord flow- I asked him what the ultimate plan is- he said we will just keep going as we are, until the baby shows signs of not thriving inside meor until 34 weeks when they will deliver. The risk as the baby gets bigger is what I posted above, cord accidents, what a tricky catch 22, i don't like it...we will just keep praying.

No decels on this am's strip tho, so that is good-

I will update later,



Anonymous said...

That's great about no decels today. Hoping your ultrasound tomorrow is excellent, you get lots of good information, and your day flies by until you get to see your DH!

Good luck!

lotsoftots said...

Thinking about you and Sam praying that you get some more great news at your u/s...isnt it great seeing your little one on that screen :O)
