The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sam's 4 mo checkup, weight gain, breastfeeding, vaccines, milestones etc

So, Sam had his 4 mo checkup today-

After gagging on post nasal drip and throwing up his morning feeds and pooping- he weighed 10lbs 14.5oz- and was 23.5 in long

so he is between 5 and 10 percentile for height, moved up from 3 % at 2 months

and is just under 3% for weight, moved down a bit since 2 months-

Dr isnt worried at all - didnt tell me to switch to formula- told me i could give some rice cereal to combat the bit of reflux he gets when he is full - said if i am really concerned can pump and use human milk fortifier 1 feeding a day - or just do what i am doing and we will check him in a month-

said with his height gain he will prb gain some weight next, then height etc, it isnt even

His HC went down on the chart too, but still on the chart- but i think it is because his head was very narrow and elongated at 2 months, and is finally getting a normal shape! Plus his daddy has a small head, wears a small motorcycle helmet!

said the no gain weeks are normal at this age, not to worry

said he was very alerts, strong, and just were he needs to be developmentally

also said because i successfully BF a little porker before, she doestn think there is something intrinsically low cal about my milk(another one of my worries)

So, you all eased my mind tremendously and the Dr confirmed what you said - i told her Ive been driving my friends nuts with my concerns, lol

About vaccines- he got his first round today, HIB, polio and..something else i am not looking at the paper right now-

DTaP is delayed till 12 months because of his seizure issues early on-

and i decided to delay HepB because he is getting DTap at 12 mo anyway

I told the nurse this, and she went all into how he would then need like 7 shots at 18 months because of boosters and chicken pox etc etc blah blah- i said, np, i will delay them so he is vaccinated before school, but heb b is an adult disease anyway, and she says, no, not anymore if they fall on the playground and get scratched and someone had it etc-

i said no, look at the info sheet - sex, blood products, needle sharing etc-

It was odd how she reacted, I told her not to worry i wont ever let him get 7 shots in one visit!

So I am just gonna keeo encouraging him to eat and use the paci less, to keep my supply up, and not weigh him again until we see the Dr in a month-

He was a showoff there, kicking and smiling and just acting like life is fun, it was neat-

(PS, she confirmed both my meds play no part in anything)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sam and his slow weight gain

Sam is 4 months old! He is doing great, fairly happy, very busy, and truly a joy!

But he needs to gain some weight! His weight issues bother me as much as my own bother me (mine of course is the OTHER side of the scale)

He weighs 11lbs 4oz - which means he has gain 1 oz in 10 days-

If you look at his weight tracker on the side, he had 2 weeks at 4oz gain, 1 week at another, next week at 8.5, and then another week at nothing - so I thought this week he would pack some on, but it doesn't seem to be the case-

The week he gained the 8oz, I took away the paci all together, and fed fed fed him all day long - he was very full, did alot of hickuping but gained weight-

He eats every 3 hours at least, and has been up 2-3 times a night to feed - I just don't know what is going on, other than my milk isnt high enough calorie for him.

I am on blood pressure med(procardia) and thyroid med(levothyroxin) and am wondering if these might be effecting things - he has his 4 month checkup tomorrow, and I am going to discuss it with the Dr -

Here is a pic taken on his 4 mo bday!