The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sam and his slow weight gain

Sam is 4 months old! He is doing great, fairly happy, very busy, and truly a joy!

But he needs to gain some weight! His weight issues bother me as much as my own bother me (mine of course is the OTHER side of the scale)

He weighs 11lbs 4oz - which means he has gain 1 oz in 10 days-

If you look at his weight tracker on the side, he had 2 weeks at 4oz gain, 1 week at another, next week at 8.5, and then another week at nothing - so I thought this week he would pack some on, but it doesn't seem to be the case-

The week he gained the 8oz, I took away the paci all together, and fed fed fed him all day long - he was very full, did alot of hickuping but gained weight-

He eats every 3 hours at least, and has been up 2-3 times a night to feed - I just don't know what is going on, other than my milk isnt high enough calorie for him.

I am on blood pressure med(procardia) and thyroid med(levothyroxin) and am wondering if these might be effecting things - he has his 4 month checkup tomorrow, and I am going to discuss it with the Dr -

Here is a pic taken on his 4 mo bday!

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