The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

Send me an email!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Can we say HUNGRY?

Sam weighed 6lbs 15 oz Monday, and 7lbs 3.5 oz today, no wonder he is nursing round the clock non stop!

Or this??

Click on the picture to make it bigger- that border is red check, not pink right?

Or this one?

Friday, February 16, 2007

How do you like this bedding?

As you may remember, we didn't do much as far as buying stuff before Sammy was born, so are just now getting his room together-

Nana and Papa bought him his crib, and his dresser will be arriving it is time to start decorating!

How do you like this bedding?

Friday, February 09, 2007

Four weeks old!

Sam weighed 6lbs 5oz yesterday - he is getting more and more alert, I am waiting not so patiently for that first smile :-)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Thursday, February 01, 2007

14oz in 10 days, not bad huh??

So Master Samuel is now weighing in at a hefty 5lbs 15.5 oz...

Fitting nicely into some newborn clothing my brother sent up here as well (thanks Pete and Kim!)

I stopped pumping on Saturday and Sam has been exclusively nursing, and it looks like we are good to go, I am going to return the pump to the hospital! In the 10 days or so we pumped my supply got a 'tad' too high, lol - so the first few days without pumping was a *bit* uncomfortable and messy (sorry guys at Ray's work for a bit too much information...).

We also have a ton of stored EBM in the freezer so Nana and Papa can watch Sammy when we go to a movie or something, and he will be able to eat!

He is a joy! All seems to have fallen into place, and we are happy - all 5 of us - Caroline and Christopher love their little brother, and I know he is going to adore them.

I took Sam by the Peri's office today, I just had to show Dr. S what he did for us in being willing to TRY something, even though things looked SO dismal there for a while. He said I will take credit, but I wish I knew what I was taking credit for... I told him thank you for treating me even though he didnt think the baby would make it -

He told me, a mentor of mine told me once, it is better sometime to be lucky than right - so very true!!

That's all for today, from a very happy woman...
