The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

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Thursday, November 30, 2006

32w4d - Sam co-operates!

I had my non stress test this am, and for the first time in 3 appts, Mr. Sam co-operates and shows nice accells on his strip! It was an easy quick appt (kinda, not really quick, but easy, lol)

I am facing a 'nesting' dilemma - with all the heartache we had in the middle of this pregnancy, I am VERY hesitant in buying anything for the baby. We won't need much in the beginning, and Ray can go out and get a car seat after Sam is here and healthy. But I am going to have to break down and buy a couple packs of receiving blankets at the very least, and probably some t's or sleepers, as those things have to be washed before he wears them. I am assuming he will be born a peanut, so will just get a couple of packs of newborn gowns probably.

Is this silly of me? I think it is a little bit of self preservation, but just wait till after he is home with us, no holding me back then!

December 1st tomorrow, I would have never thought we would make it this far and be in such good shape to boot, I am SO thankful! I am hoping December flies by, I am 36 weeks at Christmas, and 37w at new years and it will be time to have a baby before we know it, I can't wait, I am ready to meet this little boy.

Thanks all for all the good thoughts, I will update after our growth scan on Monday, I am hoping to see an almost 3lber then.


Monday, November 27, 2006


Sam was pretty quiet for todays u/s, but looked good- Dr said all was fine and we would do a growth u/s with the BPP next Monday.

He doesnt seem to be moving as much as he was, but maybe this is just because he is getting bigger and a little more crowded- they had to prod him to get movement, but when poked he moved, so, I am thankful to be 32 weeks and have things be uneventful :-)

Dr says we may do an amnio for lung development at 37 weeks, and go from there, so if all stays stable, I assume this baby will be born between the 7th and 15th of January.

Thank you all for you thoughts and prayers! I am vowing to take it easy this week, i kinda overdid it over the weekend, but i told the Dr I went shopping, he said there isnt really any reason I can't, but for my own peace of mind don't overdue. School is in session for the kiddos, so it will be easy to not do much...


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Stubborn? 31w2d

Sam was a little stubborn this am, not many accells on the NST, so they did an u/s for the biophysical profile, he is so very cute, was moving around and stretching out his body, but again stubborn, and wouldnt show us his practice breathing, but the Dr looked at the cord flow and showed me how he could see he was breathing, and passed him -

I have another BPP on monday, and I hope he shows me the breathing movements again, they are very reassuring!


Friday, November 17, 2006

30w5d and another good scan...

Baby Sam is doing well! Fluid is still a respectable 15, and he scored 8/8 on his biophysical profile. We saw nice breathing movements too! Dr said if i had just came in today, he would say everything looks normal, except for the baby being on the small side, placenta is normal, cord flow is normal etc. Dr S expects the baby to weigh at least 5 lbs at 38 weeks, which is very encouraging.

So all in all, a very good day :-)


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Surprise! I came home Saturday :-)

So...I am home! I was released Saturday morning, after almost 7 weeks at the hospital, to continue bedrest at home for God willing the rest of my pregnancy. We are shooting for a full term delivery at about 38-39 weeks in January.

I will see the Dr 2x a week for NST's and an ultrasound, and am just hoping all continues as it has the last couple weeks, I REALLY don't want to go back until this baby is ready to be delivered. They did take good care of me, but I really don't want to repeat the experience, ever!

The only prob I am having at home so far is sleeping...I decided to go off the anxiety meds and sleeping help completely, as I really shouldn't need them, but I think it may take a few days or more for my sleeping to get normal again, as right now it isn't..which is why I am writing this at 11pm, lol.

Christopher looks like he has grown 2 inches since I have been gone! They have spent more time at their dad's while I was 'in', and I look forward so much to getting back to normal.

I will update again soon, gonna try to get some sleep :-)


Friday, November 10, 2006


I just wanted to thank EVERYONE for their prayers and good thoughts, after yesterdays u/s, Dr S came in today and said wow, things are looking really good- I said, maybe with a couple more like that, could i go home at 32 weeks for a few weeks? He said, well I need to talk to Dr O about it, but I am thinking MONDAY. I said wow, that soon, Monday??

He said, if i didnt know any of your past history, i wouldnt have you hear at all, you are normal, controlled hypertension, slightly small baby but over 10th percentile, and normal fluid and cord/placental function....

So, I may be going home at 30 weeks, to spend the last 8 weeks of my pregnancy being "normal" modified bedrest, he said i could drive to my appts etc, just take it easy, watch my pressures etc..

Dr O may nix it and want me here longer, just to watch over me, but i am really hoping to spend the night in my own bed next week, and be able o wish my oldest a happy 14th bday in person on the 17th...

Oh what a thanksgiving to be thankful for things....

Will update tomorrow with the news for sure....


Thursday, November 09, 2006

29w4d u/s update

We still have fluid! More than last week, verging on too much, now wouldnt THAT be a twist of gestational fate, lol- we are at 18.3 now. We really dont need any more than that though, the 15-18 range is just lovely, and would like to see that again next week!

They only did 1 measurement today, and it shows 1w1d growth from last week, which would mean he has caught up one more day since last week, we wont get a full growth u/s until thanksgiving day.

Looks like Sammy is still a boy, but the gender shot wasnt as clear as some i have seen, looking down between his legs( he is head down) there is definitely something between the legs, lol - so i can only assume it is boy parts! Tech said looks like it is prob a boy to her, so we shall go with that for now! If we are surprised later, all the more fun huh? We just want a baby to take home!

Doppler flow was good, 2.3 i think, that is the s/d ratio which they tell me is good...

So, I am feeling much more confident about this fluid situation, and although I am not pushing the door down as of yet, with a couple more good u/s I think I would like to go home for a few weeks.

Oh, they reduced my BP meds again as well, on Aldomet 500 3x a day now, as apposed to 4x.

Dr S mentioned today keeping me until 35 weeks and than me coming back early jan- 37-39 weeks for delivery, isnt that amazing, we are talking about a full term delivery now?

He also gave me his thoughts on what happened to me, he still thinks it was prob some sort of autoimmune response that hit me hard at about 19 weeks, and meds to control bp helped mitigate symptoms, and the heparin actually has helped repair some of the damage and allow recanalization of blood flow to the placenta - amazing huh?

Well this was very disjointed, but long story short, all is looking good for today, and I thank God for that.


Friday, November 03, 2006

I forgot...

Sammy weighed in at 2 lbs yesterday, which is just above the 10th percentile, at 23 weeks we were at the first percentile for growth, so he has made some progress! And also, the newest plan is to let me go to 36 weeks if growth and fluid stay in check. Secretly I am hoping I could come home for a couple weeks before that, and come back to be induced at 36 weeks, which happens to be the week of Christmas, lol.

I DO need to be released from this hospital before 2007 so the insurance will pay without a new set of deductables and out of pocket maximums...

But for today, I am patiently awaiting an evening with my husband...have a book to continue reading and all the innane TV i care to watch.

I am going to watch CSI on the computer later, CBS has a nice viewer where you can watch recent popular shows, without much commercial interuption, it is nice!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Amazing u/s update

I just got back from ultrasound, they didnt take me until 5!

I have to say, God is good, I am in shock...

My fluid level was 15.67 - we have really have no risk of cord compression now! Samuel (it's a boy, they could actually see boy parts!) is still measuring behind, but moving right along, overall measurement is 26w2d, which is 2w2d behind, i was 3 weeks behind 3 weeks ago, so he is catching up a little!

Head is measuring less than a week behind.

He flipped head down to transverse during the u/s, so i was thinking there MUST be more fluid, but was shocked to hear it is actually normal.

Dr is thrilled, and said, no that doesnt mean you can go home! (i didnt ask!)

So, although we still have very big concerns about the fluid levels between 19 and 25 weeks, i am praying there was enough for his lungs, because all right now looks good- if i continue with the good fluid levels, it would mean i can deliver naturally as weel, and avoid a csec, which would be SO awesome.

Thank you ALL for your prayers, they are working!
