The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Surprise! I came home Saturday :-)

So...I am home! I was released Saturday morning, after almost 7 weeks at the hospital, to continue bedrest at home for God willing the rest of my pregnancy. We are shooting for a full term delivery at about 38-39 weeks in January.

I will see the Dr 2x a week for NST's and an ultrasound, and am just hoping all continues as it has the last couple weeks, I REALLY don't want to go back until this baby is ready to be delivered. They did take good care of me, but I really don't want to repeat the experience, ever!

The only prob I am having at home so far is sleeping...I decided to go off the anxiety meds and sleeping help completely, as I really shouldn't need them, but I think it may take a few days or more for my sleeping to get normal again, as right now it isn't..which is why I am writing this at 11pm, lol.

Christopher looks like he has grown 2 inches since I have been gone! They have spent more time at their dad's while I was 'in', and I look forward so much to getting back to normal.

I will update again soon, gonna try to get some sleep :-)



Anonymous said...

Yay for being at home. Now, waddle your way back to bed lady! Keep on cooking Sam.

I look forward to reading about his birth at 38+ weeks.

Jen, a fellow PE survivor and 2 X NICU mom

Ms.B said...

Yippee!! So glad you're home. Best wishes to you and your family :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooooooo thrilled for you. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. The power of prayer!

Anonymous said...

I am so HAPPY!!!!!! Just remember to follow drs orders :)

Anonymous said...


Love, Walt & Joan