The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Well, Little Sam likes to decel during any sort of contraction- I have only had Braxton Hicks contractions, just simple tightening of the uterus, but Sam says no way, way to tight for me mom, and the HB drops to the 90's, then i lose it on the monitor, have to turn over to onto my side to get it back, so i dont know actually how long it takes Sam to recover, just know when i move back from my side it is normal again.

Dr mentioned yesterday that these strips will determine when the baby is born, the baby will tell us when enough is enough and it is time to get out. I just pray we catch it in a timely manner, God forbid something happen before then.

This is getting to kind of a scary time, because i have seen a decel on 3 of the last 4 strips, one wasn't related to a contraction, so hopefully if i stay sitting up or on my side we can avoid those BH contractions and keep baby baking another month or so, I pray.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to offer my support. I've followed you from the PE support boards. A year ago I was in the hospital on bedrest with PE, I spent 5 weeks there and delivered just short of 36 weeks. I can sympathize with being in the hospital, and especially with missing my family. Looking back it wasn't too bad and for a very good reason :) I am praying for you.