The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Sorry guys for not updating more regularly sometimes typing on the laptop is much harder than just reading when you are doing it from bed! Hospital life is pretty boring when nothing extraordinary is going on (which i wont complain about...)

I am good and baby is hanging in there, with decent 2x a day tracings - my bp is totally under control which i am so thankful for- we have had a couple significant decels in the strips, but i have found if i can manage to get onto my left side a bit during that hour I dont have them, it is just hard because i am plus sized, and it is hard to keep the heartbeat without being on my back.

So for now, it is one day at a time, the Dr said my the last u/s showed the cord resistance being "so normal" he wasn't going to do another u/s for 3 weeks, and that will be for growth, so at 29 weeks another u/s, i am 26w3d now - just biding my time till i hit 28, then 30, and hopefully all the way to 34, we can hope for a 3 lber at 34 weeks, which would be awesome...

I still get moments a couple days a week where i feel the profound sadness of what isn't, that this isn't a routine pg, that i am not at home with my husband and children, but I do know i am in the best spot i can be for the baby and we have a good chance of coming home when all is said and done as a happy family of 5, so it is worth it.



Ms.B said...

I'm so glad things are still ticking along for you guys. And yes, it's boring, but SO SO WORTH IT. Precious wee Sam - you'll get to meet him/her in what, two months? That's so exciting!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you were able to update us because I was getting alittle antsy. I can't believe you wont have to have an u/s for a few weeks. Well I'll keep thinkin of you and your Sam.

Anonymous said...

Hi My name is Rhonda and I am on the pregnant again board and I just wanted to say hi and to tell you we have been praying for you...where are you from? and where are you at now...other than at the hosptial :) just e-mail is if you want a new pen pal :)

Anonymous said...

Catherine - just wanted to post and let you know im still praying for you and Baby Sam! It sounds like you are doing better than expected, and thats awesome news! :) Please keep updating, cause you've got some stalkers LOL