The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

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Monday, December 04, 2006


Little Sam is still a little guy- weighing in at a whopping 2.9 lbs right now-

He gained .9 lbs in a little less than 3 weeks, so, if he keeps at the same rate until 39 weeks we are looking at about a 4.6 lb baby, I feel sad my body failed him in the growth department, and hope he comes out healthy and ready for mama milk to help him catch up.

His growth restriction still puts him in the 1 th percentile, and is still asymmetrical, meaning his head is just about the right size for gestational age, but his abdomen and legs are small- this is a "brain sparing effect".

Fluid is still good- over 15.

I wonder if me coming out of the hospital, and going off the sedating drugs slowed his growth- when i was sedated, so was he- maybe he burnt less calories? I don't think this would be the answer, but just wondering. Cord flow and placenta look good.

A normal size baby at this point of the pregnancy should start putting on like 1/2 a pound a week, which would put him at almost 6 lbs at birth.

Dr said if he had to guess he would say he will weigh about 2 kilos at 39 weeks, which would be 4.4 pounds.

So I am continuing to pray and hope this little guy keeps packing on the weight and has healthy lungs, and appreciate all the good thoughts you guys send my way!



Mary said...

Catherine, I'm so glad to hear that Sam is holding his own. I pray that he puts on some weight for you.

Regarding your previous post, I don't think you're silly for not wanting to buy much. I had a no problems with my daughter and wouldn't allow anyone to buy anything until the month before she was born. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably be the same way.

I'll be keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hi, i have posted a few times on preeclampsia board and have been following your story for ages. Just let you know my daughter Emma was 4lbs 6 oz at 39 weeks due to IUGR and PE and she is 4 yrs old and doing great with catching up. I hope things continue to go well. I am thinking of you and Sam.
Best Wishes