The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

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Monday, October 30, 2006

28w1d and off a couple meds...

So, since my blood pressure has been remarkable low, like 110's over 50's Dr S took me off one of my BP meds yesterday, this am at 5 it was still low, like 118/57, just now it was 139/72, which is still considered ok, i hope it stays in the ok range, i don't want to become dramatic with labile BP's again!

He also made my Ativan "NPR" which means I need to request it if i want it...we shall see how this goes, the Ativan is the anti anxiety, which I don't need all the time, I had told him i refused it Sunday when Ray came to watch movies with me, I am just hoping I do ok without it. I was getting it at 5 am and 1pm - and truthfully it just chills me out, makes me a little sleepy, and I read do do whatever it takes to get through the days here...hopefully i can continue that without getting too...whatever...worked up in my own worries and stuff....

Guard changes tomorrow, so I will be seeing Dr O, but Sr S ordered the u/s already for Thursday he said- so that is cool, i will get out of this room for this first time in a couple of weeks, lol- to be wheeled downstairs and through a hallway, but heck, i will take what i can get!



Anonymous said...

Congrats! on passing the 28 week mark. That is GREAT! REALLY GREAT!

Hang in there -- every day is better. Keep the Faith. It is paying off and you have so many people praying for you.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there. I know what you mean about the u/s. I was able to get wheeled out and then put on a trolley to another medical building last year during my PE stint - it was a great field trip even in my pj's!


Jen said...

You are doing so unbelievably well Catherine, so many women rooting for you over from PF - great update about the BP, that is so fantastic! Many continued prayers for you and baby Sam...

Anonymous said...

Catherine, CONGRATS on making it to 28 weeks...whoohooo!! You are doing awesome. I know how difficult it is to be away from family right now....and I pray that things continue to go well.

It's great to hear your BP is doing well too. :o)

Good luck at your u/s on Thursday. Hope little Sam is continuing to grow.

Sharon from FF-TTC 40's board

Anonymous said...

Catherine, sweetie,
So glad things sound like they are going as well as possible at this point. Thank you< lord. Continuing prayers for Sammie's growth and for your peace of mind and field trips.
Look, you made it passed 28 weeks. One day at a time and before you know it you will be at 35 weeks (is that the goal?).
Merry Jo (blessedw/4 from FF)

Kaloa said...

Oh Catherine, I had no idea all this was going on! These fluid things are so scary on many levels. Try to keep focused on the here and now,one thing at a time, for now s/he's safe as possible, in the best place s/he's can be.
huge hugs

Kaloa said...

Oh Catherine, I had no idea all this was going on! These fluid things are so scary on many levels. Try to keep focused on the here and now,one thing at a time, for now s/he's safe as possible, in the best place s/he's can be.
huge hugs

Unknown said...

Hooray for all!
Keep up the good work and don't worry about a thing. Your 'in the world' kids are doing fine and we are all looking forward to meeting Sam!
Love, Mom