The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

25 weeks today

25 weeks today, hurray for another week down...

Points of interest- i am now in a private room! I am thrilled beyond belief, and although i lost my beautiful view of the trees in the part for a side of a building, i have my own room, big enough that Ray could stay 1 night a week comfortably and it has a nicely working air system, the other room seemed hot all afternoon.

My 24 hr urine test this week came back at 450, which is MY scheme of things is great, seeing it was over 1200 on 9/3 when i was in here last. I came down to 500 by the time i left on 9/11, and is evidently holding its own, which means my body has more time to bake this baby- they wont let that number got over 5ooo, so we are looking good for now.

Sammy's tracings have looked good- we had such a hard time finding the little bugger yesterday to keep it on the monitor, but finally we won over, this am was easier.

I didnt get to see my older kiddos today, REALLY bummed me out, but i am fairly certain the confusion at bay today wont happen again, as it means so much for me to see them, once a week is hardly enough, but by the time i see them next Sunday it will almost be 2 weeks!

My blood pressure decided to really act up for a couple hours a couple days ago, they rushed an IV in my after the 4th high reading, went to get the BP med, and my bp was down again, (without the med) and has continued to be that was since, weird huh?

So, for today's know how much the insurance is billed when the Dr comes in the chat in the am, today's chat was like this

Dr. How are you today?
Me, fine, excuse me(takes a drink of water) my mouth is dry
Dr. Yeah, it was cold this am, i got here at 4, the heaters are cranked up in the hospital.
Me. Ah..Well I am feeling as I have been
Dr. Great, have a good day.

Cost to insurance? $239 - they pay him $129 of that - cool huh?

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