The boy's name Samuel is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God has heard." Also possibly as "requested of God", "God's heart" or "God's name."

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

25w6d and more about thursdays u/s

The doctor actually used a couple words i didnt think i would hear from him the other day

"Cautiously Optimistic"

wow...more on the ultrasound, he wasnt disappointed about any of it, even the fluid, i guess it is a little more than he expected to see with the hospital radiology dept measuring, and the cord flow resistance is much better than expected- so for now we are status quo, if the size measurement is on it means this little one picked up 7 oz in 9 days, i feel all i am doing here is eating and sleeping, so maybe that is just what s/he needs? Speaking of he or she, the tech tried for a couple min to tell, but babies legs are SO close together because of the lack of fluid, there is just no way to tell, it will be the mystery of the pregnancy for us, unless a later u/s shows us something!

Baby is heads down, so hopefully this will help Sam stay off the cord, as the placenta is top left of my uterus, dr even said it may allow a vaginal birth, man, that made we cry with joy - but later than evening during the NST baby had a pretty severe decel during a brackton hicks, so as much as i would love a vaginal birth, i am not into Russian roulette! I think we will opt for safety of course...

My parents brought Christopher here to see me, and it was so good to see all of them, Chris wrote some star was stuff on my white board, had a soda i saved for him and climbed into bed with me for a bit- no artwork for my window yet tho! still waiting on that....

Both kids are coming here with Ray tomorrow, i can believe it is night 12 tonight, and I haven't seen Caroline yet! She has been very busy of course, and a Freshman in highschool is- she had homecoming last night after the home game where she was in the halftime show, I need to see how it was, she may actually be awake now, as it is 11:20 :-)



Anonymous said...

Hi Catherine,

I am so happy to hear that Sammy is continuing to grow. Sounds like you have a fighter on your hands!

Do you need any book picks? I would love to send you some AND do cyber discussions with you... Are you set up on IM? I'll send you a PM about this on FF - but tomorrow though, have to head out for a meeting.

Thinking of you sweetie.


Anonymous said...

Still thinking of you and praying for Sam. Thanks for the updates.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you both, I was in the hospital for 5 weeks and 2 days last year before having my son just short of 36 weeks due to PE - I have older kids and missed them like crazy, so I can relate. Hang in there.
